Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I Hate Winter

OK, it isn't even winter yet. The temperature is -6 and there is a skiff of snow. The main roads are good condition and yes, some side roads are a bit slippery. So, could someone please tell me:
Where is the switch in people's vehicles (or heads) that makes them drive like we're living in Moscow in January every time it snows? Is it an unwritten protocol to only clean the barest minimum of car glass and lights to ensure limited visibility? And if everyone else is going 50 km/hr and not slipping, sliding or spinning out, why would someone on the same piece of road maintain a steady 20 km/hr, completely disregarding all the the honking, light-flashing and middle finger gesturing?
And, why are some pedestrians dressed and carrying packs like they are embarking on a climb of Mt. Everest. All some of these people lack are a few Sherpas to help them get to wherever their expedition is going. Talk about looking like the Michelin man. What the hell are they carrying to work each day in your pack. Is the world about to end? And, does anyone obey the orange Don't Walk signals. The countdown isn't to for timing how fast your shuffling jaywalk is. And yet these morons give all those drivers waiting on them dirty looks if they dare honk , yell or gesture at them.
There is a flip side.
One day later. Same scenario as before, but more snow. It actually looks like we could be in Moscow. Say hello to all the jackasses that think their 4 wheel drive Escalades and monster trucks won't slide on icy roads. So hell yes, why slow down? Here's a news flash - even a tank will slide on ice. So if any of you drivers who think you and your vehicles are indestructible have any common sense, slow the &^% down.
And here's to the younger generation who seem to feel they're are immune to the cold. No Sherpas for them. No jackets, hats or gloves either. There's too cool Skippy with his butt-cracker jeans and and basketball jersey with his ball cap at a rakish angle waiting for a train. He's cool (literally) and I can tell because his lips are blue.
He's accompanied by Sally-stupid who looks like a hooker in training showing off what her mama gave her. Honey, even hookers know enough to wear a coat when it's cold outside. How will you explain frostbite of your muffin-top?
It's going to be a long winter.........

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